US ready for direct nuclear talks with Iran

Iran nuclear talks in Vienna

25 Jan 2022; MEMO: The US is ready for direct talks with Iran about its nuclear programme, a spokesperson for the State Department said on Monday.

"We are prepared to meet directly," explained the official. "We have long held the position that it would be more productive to engage with Iran directly, on both JCPOA negotiations and other issues." The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) was signed by world powers and Iran in 2015, although Donald Trump pulled the US out in 2018.

According to the State Department, meeting directly would allow the "more efficient communication" required to reach an understanding on what is needed to resuscitate the 2015 deal. "Given the pace of Iran's nuclear advances, we are almost out of time to reach an understanding on mutual return to full implementation of the JCPOA."

The US comments followed those by senior Iranian diplomat Hossein Amir-Abdollahian. "Iran is not currently talking with the US directly," he said. "However, if during the negotiation process we get to a point that reaching a good agreement with solid guarantees requires a level of talks with the US, we will not ignore that in our work schedule."