Israel will not commit to any agreement on Iran: Bennett

Naftali Bennett

29 Jan 2022; MEMO: Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett has asserted that Israel will not commit to any agreement on Iran, Israeli newspaper The Jerusalem Post reported.

"The Israeli strategy doesn't depend on whether there's an agreement or not," he told the Israeli newspaper on Thursday. "We will protect ourselves by ourselves. Even if there is an agreement, we're not committed to it. We will preserve our freedom to act."

As the world continues talks with Iran over its nuclear programme, Bennett expressed: "We and the Americans don't see everything eye to eye."

He claimed: "A deal that will send tens of billions of dollars to this rotten and weak regime will be a mistake, because this money will go to terror against IDF soldiers and Americans in the region. When the money enters Iranian coffers, they attack American soldiers… through their proxies."

Bennett shared his view that Tehran: "Is playing poker with a very weak hand, but they're bluffing."

According to the Israeli daily, the Israeli prime minister compared Iran to an octopus whose head is in Tehran with its tentacles surrounding Israel.

"Israel fell into the trap and fought the octopus's tentacles tactically," he said. "But the octopus itself is Iran."

He continued: "My doctrine… I want to weaken them [Iran and its proxies] and hurt their forces in all dimensions. They have no business in our region, 1,000 kilometres from home. I don't want to see Iran in Syria or on any border of ours."