Iraq, Iran prepare 5th round of Riyadh-Tehran negotiations

Hossein Amir-Abdollahian

05 Feb 2022; MEMO: Iraq and Iran discussed on Friday preparations for the fifth round of Iranian-Saudi talks to end an estrangement that has lasted for six years between the two countries.

This came during a phone call between Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein and his Iranian counterpart Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, according to a statement by the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Baghdad has hosted four rounds of direct talks between Saudi and Iranian officials. The talks focused on contentious issues, particularly the war in Yemen and the Iranian nuclear programme.

The two sides discussed: "The tripartite cooperation of Saudi Arabia, Iran and Iraq, in order to start the fifth round of talks."

The two ministers affirmed: "The need to proceed in the talks that started in Baghdad and reached the fourth round between Saudi Arabia and Iran."

The talks also covered the developments in the region, such as the security situation in the Gulf and Yemen and the danger of escalation and the deepening of crises.

"The stability of the region is considered as the stability of Iraq as well, hence, we are ready to exert all efforts and to work with the countries of the region to stop violence," Hussein expressed.

The Iranian minister emphasised the improvement of relations between his country and Saudi Arabia, according to the statement.

Iraq constitutes a major competition for influence between Iran and Saudi Arabia, the two main powers in the Gulf region, while Baghdad seeks to bridge the divide between them, hoping that this will be reflected positively across the region.

Gulf states, led by Saudi Arabia, accuse Iran of adopting an expansionist "Shia agenda" in the region and interfering in the internal affairs of some Arab countries, including Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon and Syria, which Tehran repeatedly denies. Iran maintains that it is committed to good neighbourly relations.