Egypt: I am subject to slow death in prison, says former presidential candidate

Abdel Moneim Aboul Fotouh

22 August 2022; MEMO: Former presidential candidate Abdel Moneim Aboul Fotouh has said that he is "subject to slow death" in an Egyptian prison, news agencies reported on Sunday.

According to his son, Hothaifa, Aboul Fotouh added that, "The administration in Al-Mazraa Prison refuses to carry out a medical examination despite several health crises, strokes and blood clots."

His condition, explained Hothaifa, requires an emergency scan, ultrasound and catheterisation of the arteries. He is also in urgent need of prostate surgery as he was scheduled for this prior to his detention. However, there are no physicians or specialists to carry out medical examinations for prisoners, and there is no medical equipment.

"Aboul Fotouh is a doctor and is very well aware of public issues," said local court officials, "and we asked his lawyer to file an application for the specialists."

Aboul Fotouh's son said that they applied to the president's office, the Public Prosecutor, the Prison Service and the National Council of Human Rights for a thorough medical examination, but nobody has replied.