UN should pass resolution on US’ reparation of damage to many countries — Medvedev

Dmitry Medvedev

MOSCOW, November 15. /TASS/. Having passed the resolution on Russia’s "reparations" to Ukraine, the United Nations General Assembly should now call for the United States’ reparation of damage inflicted on Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Yugoslavia and other countries, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev said on Monday.

"They should adopt the same recommendation on total reparation of the damage inflicted by the United States on Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Yugoslavia and many other countries that suffered from the Americans and NATO," he wrote on his Telegram channel, commenting on the UN voting on the resolution recognizing the necessity of establishing a mechanism for the reparation of damage done by Russia to Ukraine.

Otherwise, "it looks like the beginning of the United Nations’ agony as a key international institution for reconciliation," he stressed. "The end will be painful for the entire international community. We will do without such a ‘united nations’ organization."

According to Medvedev, the resolution is meant to legalize the West’s plans to use Russia’s frozen assets. "The Anglo-Saxons are obviously seeking to scrape up a legal basis for stealing illegally arrested Russian assets," he added.

The emergency session of the United Nations General Assembly on Monday passed a resolution on establishing an international register of damage allegedly inflicted on Ukraine by Russia and recognizing the need for a loss reparation mechanism. Ninety-four countries voted for the document, while 14 were against and 73 abstained.