Palestine committed to peace in Mideast based on int'l legitimacy: official

RAMALLAH, Nov. 20 (Xinhua) -- A senior Palestinian official on Sunday stated that Palestine is committed to achieving peace in the Middle East by implementing relevant international resolutions.

Nabil Abu Rudeineh, the spokesman of the Palestinian Presidency, made the remarks in response to Israeli Prime Minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu, who said earlier that Palestinians "are not interested in making peace with Israel."

In a press statement, the spokesman accused Netanyahu of "trying to deceive and mislead the world's public opinion."

"Netanyahu's remarks reveal his intentions to evade any political process that leads to ending the occupation and establishing a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, in accordance with international resolutions," Abu Rudeineh added.

On Saturday, Netanyahu told members of the Jewish Republican Alliance conference in the United States that "the Palestinians do not want a state that lives alongside Israel, but rather they want a state that lives on its own without Israel."

Abu Rudeineh said that Netanyahu's government would include Itamar Ben Gvir from the Religious Zionist Party, who led the settler attacks on citizens on Saturday in the West Bank city of Hebron.

"The attacks on Palestinian civilians in Hebron is an indication of what the next stage will be like with the presence of an Israeli extremist right-wing government that Netanyahu will form," said Abu Rudeineh.

The last direct peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians stopped in March 2014 following significant differences over settlement and the border of the future independent Palestinian state.

The Palestinians want to establish a Palestinian state on the territories occupied by Israel in 1967, including the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem as its capital.