Palestinian Teenager Shot Dead By Israeli Soldiers In West Bank

Israeli soldiers

RAMALLAH, Mar 3 (NNN-WAFA) – A Palestinian teenager was killed, and another two injured yesterday, by Israeli soldiers, in a village east of the northern West Bank city of Qalqilya, the Palestinian Health Ministry said in a press statement.

Mohamed Islim, 15, died after he was shot in the back by Israeli soldiers, who stormed the village of Azzun, the statement read.

Of the two injured teenagers, one was in serious condition and has been admitted to the intensive care unit, at the government hospital in the city, where doctors tried to save his life, according to the statement.

The statement didn’t add more details. However, Qalqilya’s governor, Rafeh Rawajbeh, said, Israeli soldiers opened fire at the teenagers, during clashes that broke out at the city’s main road.

“It is an awful crime that should be condemned, as the Israeli forces directly and intentionally targetted the boys,” he said.

The Israeli authorities didn’t comment on the teenager’s death. Israeli Radio, which quoted Israeli army sources, reported that the Israeli soldiers opened fire at the Palestinian boys, after they threw Molotov cocktail bottles at Israeli settlers near Qalqilya.

Islim’s death came, amid mounting tension between Israelis and the Palestinians that has been going on since before Jan 1.

Official Palestinian figures show that 68 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli soldiers so far this year. Meanwhile, official Israeli figures reveal that 13 Israelis were killed in attacks carried out by Palestinians.