UN Security Council urges global action against hate speech, extremism

UN Security Council

UNITED NATIONS, June 14 (Xinhua) -- The UN Security Council on Wednesday unanimously adopted a resolution calling on the international community to condemn hate speech, racism and acts of extremism.

The Security Council says that hate speech, racism, xenophobia, intolerance, gender discrimination and extremism can lead to conflict. Resolution 2686 was adopted to address the issue, calling on member states to publicly denounce such acts.

Inter-religious and intercultural dialogue should be considered a crucial tool in achieving peace, social stability and internationally recognized development goals by member states.

States were urged to promote women's safe participation and leadership in society; strengthen social cohesion, community resilience, gender equality and women's economic empowerment; and support quality education for peace. It reaffirmed states' obligation to respect, promote and protect the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all individuals.

Condemning misinformation, disinformation and incitement to violence against United Nations peacekeeping operations, the council encouraged all the secretary-general's special representatives and special envoys to use their good offices to support local peace initiatives and involve local communities, women, youth, civil society and religious leaders where appropriate.

In addition, it requested United Nations peacekeeping and special political missions to monitor hate speech, racism and acts of extremism that might impact peace and security.

Further, the council urged relevant United Nations bodies to increase their activities focusing on peace. The UN Peacebuilding Commission should continue utilizing its role to ensure a gender-responsive approach to promote tolerance, address hate speech and build and sustain peace.

The council requested the secretary-general provide an oral briefing on the resolution's implementation by June 14, 2024, and to swiftly inform it of threats to international peace and security.