PA calls on Palestinians to file complaints against Israeli crimes via ICC online system

International Criminal Court ICC

20 July 2023; MEMO: Palestinian Authority (PA) called on Palestinian people, groups and individuals, to file complaints against Israeli crimes via the ICC's online platform.

Speaking to Voice of Palestine, Minister of Justice Mohammad Shalaldeh said that the ICC is to launch an online platform to let people file their complaints against Israeli crimes.

He said that this online gateway is to gather documentation of Israeli crimes.

Meanwhile, Assistant Foreign Minister for the UN and its Specialised Agencies, Omar Awadallah, told Voice of Palestine that this platform will enable people to submit complaints online to the ICC supported by pictures and videos of Israeli crimes.

He pointed out that the Israeli government continues its racist policies, disregarding all international covenants that call for providing urgent protection for the Palestinian people.

Awadallah stressed that there should be continuous interaction with the international community to force Israel to stop its daily crimes.

Karim Jubran, spokesman of Israeli rights group B'Tselem, stressed the importance of documenting the crimes committed by the occupation forces with the ICC, despite its laxity in pursuing war criminals in the occupation state.