Security forces seize 2 smuggled batches of arms, ammunition in SE Iran

smuggled batches of arms

TEHRAN, Aug. 6 (Xinhua) -- Iranian security forces have seized two batches of smuggled weapons and ammunition in the southeastern province of Sistan and Baluchestan, arresting six suspects, the semi-official Tasnim news agency reported on Sunday.

In the first operation, some 20 M1911 pistols and 39 magazines were found concealed in a sedan of an arms trafficking gang driving from Pakistan, Tasnim quoted Sistan and Baluchestan Prosecutor Mehdi Shamsabadi as saying.

The provincial intelligence, security, criminal investigation and anti-narcotic police seized the batch on an intercity road in the province, Shamsabadi said, without elaborating on the date of the operation.

Two members of the gang have been arrested and handed over to the judicial authorities, he added.

In another operation, the forces of Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps seized five Kalashnikov rifles, one hunting weapon, 24 magazines, 700 Kalashnikov bullets, two binoculars, and a number of chest rigs from a "terrorist" team in the province, Shamsabadi said.

The team entered the province from Pakistan and was based in Jakigur village in Rask County, he said, adding four members were arrested and handed over to the judicial authorities.

The prosecutor did not provide the date of the operation either.