Yemen: Houthis launch ‘Palestine’ ballistic missile at Israel military site in Eilat

Houthis ‘Palestine’ ballistic missile

04 June 2024; MEMO: The Houthi-allied Yemeni Armed Forces have launched a new ballistic missile at an Israeli military site in the southern port city of Eilat (Umm Al-Rashrash). Yemeni military spokesperson, Brigadier General Yahya Saree, made the announcement yesterday night, marking the third announcement in the past four days regarding Yemeni operations.

Saree disclosed that the army’s Rocket Force deployed the “Palestine” ballistic missile. According to reports, this is the first instance of the Yemeni Armed Forces revealing the use of this weapon for long-range attacks against the occupation state.

"Statement of the Yemeni Armed Forces Regarding the Targeting of Umm Al-Rashrash (Eilat) in Southern Occupied Palestine with the "Palestine" Ballistic Missile

— السياسية – سبأ (@alsyasiah) June 3, 2024

“The missile force in the Yemeni Armed Forces targeted a military target of the Israeli enemy in Umm al-Rashrash area, southern occupied Palestine,” Saree stated, confirming the operation’s success. He added that the Yemeni Armed Forces will continue their military operations in solidarity with the oppressed Palestinian people until the aggression ceases and the siege on Gaza is lifted.

Saree reiterated Sanaa’s commitment to attacking Israeli targets and supporting the Palestinian cause. The latest announcement comes days after Saree claimed to have struck the US aircraft carrier, the Eisenhower in the Red Sea, the second such attack within the space of 24 hours.