Trump backs Boris Johnson as next British prime minister

 Boris Johnson

1 June 2019; DW: US President Donald Trump has once more waded into British domestic politics, giving his opinion on who he thinks would be a good successor to current Prime Minister Theresa May, who is set to resign on June 7.

"I have actually studied it very hard. I know the different players," he told The Sun tabloid in an interview published late on Friday.

"But I think Boris would do a good job," he said, referring to New York-born former London Mayor Boris Johnson, who also served as British foreign secretary. "I think he would be excellent."

Prized endorsements

Trump told the newspaper that his endorsement had also been sought by other candidates for the position and that his good opinion would vastly raise any candidate's chance of being chosen.

"I don't want to say who but other people have asked me for endorsements, yes," he said. "I could help anybody if I endorse them. I mean, we've had endorsements where they have gone up for forty, fifty points at a shot."

As in an interview before his first official visit to Britain last year, the US leader once more criticized the present prime minister, saying May had failed to assert British interests enough in negotiations to leave the European Union.

"I think that the UK allowed the European Union to have all the cards. And it is very hard to play well when one side has all the advantages," he said.

May's resignation has come about because of her failure to produce any deal to bring Britain out of the EU that was acceptable to a parliamentary majority. The scheduled date of departure, initially March 29, has now been delayed to October 31.


Trump also had harsh words to say about the wife of British Prince Harry, American former actress Meghan Markle, who had criticized the ex-reality show host during his 2016 presidential campaign.

"What can I say? I didn't know that she was nasty," he said of the now Duchess of Sussex, adding, however, that she would do "excellently" in her royal role.

Markle made comments on TV in 2016 in which she called Trump misogynistic and divisive, and even said she would move to Canada if he became president.

During his three-day visit to Britain starting Monday, the president will be meeting with other members of the royal family, including Queen Elizabeth II and Harry's father, Prince Charles, but no meeting with the duchess is planned.

The US president went on to express confidence that he would receive a warm welcome in Britain, despite the protests that are expected to accompany his visit.

"I think I am really — I hope — I am really loved in the UK," he said.