Digital sovereignty is needed to counter external threats - State Duma speaker

Vyacheslav Volodin

ISTANBUL, October 13. /TASS/: Provision of the digital sovereignty is a critical aspect of countering current threats, particularly interference in internal affairs of countries, Speaker of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin said at the 3rd conference of parliament speakers on combating terrorism and strengthening regional cooperation.

"In modern realities, there is often no need to intrude into the territory of the state in order to do harm to it and its citizens. Digital technologies make possible to meddle remotely with internal affairs of states, with work of energy, transport and financial systems. Therefore, it is critical to provide the digital sovereignty of our states and protect human rights in cyberspace, their personal data in the first instance. This is a necessary condition of safe use of the Internet and artificial intelligence in interests of development of our countries," Volodin said.

Joint development of efficient legislative decisions that will "strengthen regional interaction in the sphere of high technologies implementation" is proper, the speaker said.