China to make every effort to protect health of Chinese, foreigners in Wuhan: Wang Yi

Wang Yi

BEIJING, Jan 30 (APP): China will make every effort to protect the health and safety of all the Chinese and foreign personnel in Wuhan, the city hard-hit by Coronavirus epidemic, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said.

China will make every effort to protect the health and safety of all Chinese and foreign personnel in Wuhan,he said while talking to Australian Foreign Minister, Marise Payne on the telephone, according to Chinese foreign ministry here on Thursday.

He said from a professional perspective, the World Health Organization (WHO) did not approve of the current movement to facilitate movement of personnel.

Wang Yi said that at present, new coronavirus outbreak was generally preventable, controllable and curable and the Chinese government had the confidence and ability to win the fight against the epidemic.

The Chinese government and people are going all out to fight the epidemic,he said and added, “We have established a nationwide mechanism and taken decisive measures to advance prevention and control in a scientific, orderly, and accurate manner,” he added.

At present, the epidemic is generally preventable, controllable and curable, he said and added, “We have the confidence, ability, and confidence to win the fight against this epidemic.”

Wang Yi pointed out that the Chinese government, in an open, transparent and responsible manner, timely released epidemic information to domestic and foreign countries actively responded to concerns of all parties, and strengthened cooperation with the international community.

He informed that during his recent visit to China, the Director-General of the World Health Organization fully affirmed that China had adopted a series of powerful measures to combat the epidemic and expressed confidence in the Chinese government’s ability to prevent and control the epidemic.

Mr. Payne said that the Australian government firmly supported the Chinese government and people in fighting the new coronavirus epidemic, and appreciated China’s open and transparent sharing of information with the international community in a timely manner and active communication during the response.

Australia is willing to maintain close communication and coordination with China and provide necessary assistance to help China overcome the epidemic, he added.