Former US President Obama accuses Donald Trump of inciting unrest in Washington DC


TASS, January 7: Former President of the United States Barack Obama has accused current President Donald Trump of inciting violent protests in Washington DC on Wednesday.

"History will rightly remember today’s violence at the Capitol, incited by a sitting president who has continued to baselessly lie about the outcome of a lawful election, as a moment of great dishonor and shame for our nation. But we’d be kidding ourselves if we treated it as a total surprise," Obama said in a statement, which he posted on his Twitter account.

"I’ve been heartened to see many members of the President’s party speak up forcefully today," the former US president continued. "Their voices add to the examples of Republican state and local election officials in states like Georgia who’ve refused to be intimidated and have discharged their duties honorably."

"We need more leaders like these — right now and in the days, weeks, and months ahead as President-Elect Biden works to restore a common purpose to our politics. It’s up to all of us as Americans, regardless of party, to support him in that goal," Obama added.

Protesters supporting current President Donald Trump stormed on Wednesday the US Congress building in Washington DC and disrupted the work of lawmakers, who met to certify the results of the November presidential election for President-elect Joe Biden. Some protesters managed to get inside and all lawmakers were evacuated. During the attack a female protester sustained a gun wound and later died in a hospital, while a police officer and several other people were injured.

US media outlets reported that Pentagon had ordered to deploy up to 1,800 US National Guard troops in Washington DC in the wake of mass protests.

The US Senate reconvened on Wednesday night following the violent rioting in Washington DC earlier that day.

On December 14, the US Electoral College convened and confirmed Biden’s election victory. The Democrat received 306 votes, while incumbent President Donald Trump secured 232 votes. With 538 electors, a candidate needs to get 270 votes to be elected to the office of President of the United States.