China locks down three cities due to coronavirus outbreak

lock down

BEIJING, January 12. /TASS/: The Chinese authorities have announced the lockdown of the cities of Shijiazhuang, Xingtai and Langfang with a total population of over 23 mln due to a new coronavirus outbreak, according to the Hebei province’s health committee.

Security measures will be tightened on highways and railroads leading to the three cities, the committee said. People are allowed to leave the cities only when absolutely necessary. At the same time, local watchdogs plan to conduct mass coronavirus testing.

According to official data, about 530 coronavirus patients identified in the past ten days are being treated in medical facilities in Shijiazhuang, Xingtai and Langfang. About 40% of them are asymptomatic carriers. The Hebei province accounts for 45% of COVID-19 cases currently recorded in mainland China.