Malaysian Govt Guarantees Building One Million Affordable Homes Within 10 Years

PUCHONG, Selangor State, Malaysia, Feb 17 (NNN- BERNAMA) – Malaysian Prime Minister, Dr Mahathir Mohamad, has given an assurance that the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government will build one million affordable homes and low-cost houses, within a period of 10 years.

He said, although the government was facing various constraints in fulfilling the pledge, it would still be implemented, to help the less affordable group, especially those in the B40 group.

“The government cannot afford to build one million homes within 10 years without the cooperation from the private sector. Today, we see many private sector groups welcoming our programme, including in the restructuring of the community, to ensure that there are industries located in the community settlements to be developed.

“We hope that with the existence of the structured community and equipped with clubs that could be made as the medium to channel the problems of the local community to the elected representatives, and equipped with workshops to enable them to be involved in business, will also develop the economy of the local community,” he said.

He was speaking to reporters, after launching the National Community Policy (DKN), formulated by the Housing and Local Government Ministry (KPKT), to tackle social housing issues at the local community level, especially in low-cost stratified housing areas nationwide.

Dr Mahathir said, the policy also encouraged people in the community to be involved in the Small and Medium Industry (SMI) with a more structured marketing aspect.

“We want a more structured community, even better, this is the aspiration of the government and many private sector groups welcomed this aspiration. Our intention is to build one million units in 10 years, maybe a little plus or minus (the target of building 100,000 houses in a year) but we hope within the 10 years, we can build according to our target,” he explained.

The price for one unit of affordable home is below RM300,000 (USD73,430) and fixed according to locality.– NNN-BERNAMA