French envoy leaves Minsk, Belarusian envoy recalled from Paris — Foreign Ministry

Belarusian Foreign Ministry

MINSK, October 18. /TASS/: French Ambassador to Belarus Nicolas de Lacoste left Minsk before completing his assumption of office procedure, Belarusian Foreign Ministry announced Monday, adding that Belarusian Ambassador to France Igor Fisenko has also been recalled for consultations.

"The head of the French diplomatic mission has not expressed his readiness to complete the procedure of assumption of office as the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Belarus, as stipulated by the international law and the universally recognized practice. In this regard, we had to inform our French partners that the previously issued term of agreement for his appointment has expired," the Ministry said.

According to the Ministry, de Lacoste has already "left the country," and Belarusian Ambassador Igor Fisenko has also been "recalled to Minsk for consultations."

"We truly regret such position of our French colleagues. We would like to emphasize that this natural measure was a forced step. We are interested in restoration of proper level of operation of both diplomatic missions," the Ministry added.

Nicolas de Lacoste entered Belarus in November 2020 as the ambassador-designate of France; he has only presented a copy of his letter of credence to Foreign Minister Vladimir Makei in December 2020, but has never presented the letter of credence to President Alexander Lukashenko.