Italy protesters denounce Italy's right-wing government

02 Mar 2019; DW: Anti-racism demonstrators gathered in their thousands outside the northern Italian city's cathedral. Their anger focused on Italy's controversial right-wing interior minister, Matteo Salvini.

Tens of thousands of people took to Milan's streets on Saturday to protest against what they said are racist policies promoted by the national government.

The demonstrators played bongo drums and trumpets as they gathered in front of the Duomo under the slogan "Prima le persone" (people first).

The phrase plays on the "Prima gli Italiani" (Italians first) slogan used by Italy's anti-immigrant interior minister, Matteo Salvini.

The rally was a "powerful political testimonial that Italy is not just the country that it is currently being described as," said Milan Mayor Giuseppe Sala.

Milan's social issues councilor, Pierfrancesco Majorino, claimed on Twitter that 200,000 people had shown up for the protest.

"Salvini, count us," he said.

CGIL labor union chief Maurizio Landini said the populist governing coalition in Rome "is promoting the wrong policies, and is not fighting the inequalities."

Salvini's right-wing League party entered into government with the populist Five Star Movement in 2018.

Since then, Italy has repeatedly refused to allow humanitarian ships that save migrants in the Mediterranean Sea to dock at its ports.