Three civilians killed, 9 more wounded in LPR’s Perevalsk in shelling by Ukrainian troops

Ukrainian troops

LUGANSK, March 12. /TASS/: Three civilians were killed and nine more, including children, were wounded in the city of Perevalks in the Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) as a result of shelling by Ukrainian troops, Vitaly Mikhailov, head of the Perevalsk district administration, said on Sunday.

"According to preliminary data, the shelling attack left three civilians dead. Six people were wounded and taken to a hospital, three of them are minors. Three more sought medical assistance in the outpatient department. In other words, three were killed and nine were wounded," he told TASS.

Mikhailov added that the strike was delivered at an area around the bus station, damaging nearby dwelling houses, two filling stations and civilian cars.

According to the LPR’s mission to the Joint Control and Coordination Center (JCCC) for issues related to Ukraine’s war crimes, Ukrainian troops fired a rocket from a HIMARS multiple rocket launcher at 13:10 Moscow time.