South America

364 people detained in protests in Venezuela

MOSCOW, January 25. /TASS/. The number of people detained during protests in Venezuela, which started on January 21, has reached 364 people, said Alfredo Romero, Executive Director of the NGO Penal Forum, on Twitter on Friday.

"A total of 364 people were detained during protests from January 21 to 23," Romero tweeted.

Venezuelan President Maduro refuses to step down

MOSCOW, January 24. /TASS/./TASS/. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said he is not going to step down, Agencia Venezolana de Noticias (AVN) quoted the president as he addressed the Supreme Court on Thursday.

"I will never give up on commitments to the homeland, I will never do this," said the president who was inaugurated for the second term on January 10. The US and the Lima Group countries with the exception of Mexico refused to recognize Maduro’s re-election.

Pope says fear of migrants is making us crazy

PANAMA CITY (AP) — Pope Francis said Wednesday that fear of migration is “making us crazy” as he began a trip to Central America amid a standoff over President Donald Trump’s promised wall at the U.S.-Mexico border and a new caravan of migrants heading north.

Francis was asked by reporters about the proposed border wall Wednesday on the way to Panama, where he is looking to leave the sex abuse scandals buffeting his papacy behind. Francis responded: “It is the fear that makes us crazy.”

Venezuelan armed forces refuse to recognize Guaido as interim president — defense minister

MOSCOW, January 24. /TASS/ Venezuela's Armed Forces refuse to recognize parliament speaker Juan Guaido as interim president, the country's Defense Minister Padrino Lopez said on Wednesday.

"Soldiers of the Motherland do not recognize the president imposed on us under the influence of foreign interests and self-proclaimed unlawfully. The Armed Forces are defending the Constitution and are guarantors of national sovereignty," Lopez wrote on his Twitter account.

At least 16 people die in Venezuelan protests

MOSCOW, January 24. /TASS/ At least 16 people died in clashes during anti-government protests in Venezuela on Wednesday, El Pitazo portal reported.

According to the portal, protesters clashed with security forces, and 16 people died in total in the states of Amazonas, Barinas, Bolivar, Portuguesa, Tachira, as well as in the capital, Caracas. Large-scale protests against President Nicolas Maduro were organized in many regions of the country.

Maduro severs ties with U.S. after Washington recognizes Guaido as interim president

CARACAS, Jan. 23 (Xinhua) -- Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro on Wednesday announced he was severing "diplomatic and political" ties with the United States after the U.S. authorities recognized the opposition leader Juan Guaido as the nation's interim president.

"I have decided to break diplomatic and political relations with the imperialist U.S. government," Maduro said in a speech to supporters gathered outside the presidential headquarters in Caracas.

"Out they go from Venezuela, enough of interventionism," said Maduro, who was accompanied by his cabinet.

Venezuela's VP to Mike Pence: 'Yankee, Go Home'

Caracas, January 22 : Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodriguez Tuesday said U.S. Vice President Mike Pence was "openly calling for a coup d'état in Venezuela " after Pence issued a video message of support to the Venezuelan opposition to encourage those who are protesting against President Nicolas Maduro and underline U.S. backing for opposition lawmaker Juan Guaido, the self-appointed head of the suspended National Assembly.

Brazil to send trade missions to Asia, Europe

RIO DE JANEIRO, Jan. 22 (Xinhua) -- Brazil will send trade missions to Asia and Europe in a bid to expand its agricultural exports, Agriculture Minister Tereza Cristina said on Tuesday.

Speaking to Brazil's G1 news website, Cristina said she would personally lead the delegations to open new markets and negotiate with Asian and European countries.

Venezuela accuses US of ordering coup, seeks 'revision' of ties

23 Jan 2019; AFP: Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro on Tuesday accused Washington of ordering a coup against his government and called for a "total revision" of ties with the US.

The latest claims by Caracas of a US coup plot came the day before a mass street protest announced by the opposition, and one day after a mutiny by some soldiers.

Maduro was specifically reacting to comments by US Vice President Mike Pence, who posted a video on Twitter branding Maduro "a dictator with no legitimate claim to power."

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