
Business & Economy

Sudan and UAE discuss Red Sea port construction

17 October 2022; MEMO: Sudan is in talks with the United Arab Emirates on a project to build a port along the country's Red Sea coast, the Sudanese finance minister announced yesterday.

Gibril Ibrahim told reporters in the United States that his government had signed an agreement with the UAE to build the port. His remarks came on the fringes of the International Monetary Fund meetings in Washington DC.

Lebanon won maritime dispute with Israel, claims Hezbollah

17 October 2022; MEMO: Lebanon has won its dispute with Israel over the disputed maritime border, the head of Hezbollah's political council, Ibrahim Amin Al-Sayyed, claimed yesterday.

"Thanks to the resistance and the unified national stance," Al-Sayyed told Russia Today, "Lebanon has won the dispute about the border and its undersea resources without needing to go to war."

IMF asks countries to preserve vital foreign reserves amidst appreciating dollar

Washington, Oct 15 (PTI) The IMF has urged countries to preserve vital foreign reserves to deal with potentially worse outflows and turmoil in the future, amidst appreciation of the US dollar and depreciation of other major currencies, including the Indian rupee.

Qatar shares 'similar views' to Turkiye on regional issues

15 October 2022; MEMO: Qatar's Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed Bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani shared on Friday that his country has "similar views" to Turkiye regarding different regional issues, Anadolu Agency reported.

This came during a joint press conference held with his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu in Istanbul following a ministerial meeting to prepare for the 8th meeting of the High Strategic Committee between the two countries.

Turkish firm urges investors to reap opportunities in Libya

14 October 2022; MEMO: The Head of a Turkish firm, on Friday, called on Turkish entrepreneurs to invest in Libya and play more active roles, Anadolu News Agency reports.

Libya's Government of National Unity has drawn praise, and there are positive developments in the local economy, Murtaza Karanfil of the Karanfil Group said in a press release.

Saying that bad impressions of Libya should be changed, Karanfil added: "As Turkish business people, we believe in Libya."

Saudi Arabia pushed other OPEC nations into oil cut, White House claims

14 October 2022; MEMO: Saudi Arabia pushed other OPEC+ nations into an output cut last week, the White House claimed on Thursday, part of an escalating war of words between the two countries, Reuters reports.

"More than one" OPEC member disagreed with Saudi Arabia's push to cut production and felt coerced into the vote, National Security Council spokesman, John Kirby, told reporters. He said he was not going to identify the members, to let them speak for themselves.

Airbus and Qatar Airways face off again in court over A350

14 October 2022; MEMO: Airbus and Qatar Airways clashed, once again, in court on Friday, as a dispute over damage to A350 jetliners descended into a tug-of-war over confidential documents, while the sums at stake in their unprecedented falling-out topped $1.5 billion, Reuters reports.

Qatar Airways is suing Airbus over damage to the painted surface and anti-lightning system on A350 jets, saying safety could be at risk from a design defect.

Qatar interested in Eastern Mediterranean oil exploration - Lebanon

14 October 2022; MEMO: Qatar is interested in joining French firm, TotalEnergies, and Italy's Eni in exploring for oil in two areas in Lebanese waters, the Lebanese Energy Minister said on Friday, Anadolu News Agency reports.

Qatar wants to join the consortium to explore for oil in blocks 4 and 9 in the Eastern Mediterranean, Walid Fayad said after a meeting with Prime Minister, Najib Mikati.

Putin courts Erdogan with plan to pump more Russian gas via Turkiye

13 October 2022; MEMO: Russian President, Vladimir Putin, proposed to his Turkish counterpart, Tayyip Erdogan, to export more gas via Turkiye and turn it into a new supply "hub", Reuters reports.

According to the report, Putin said Turkiye offered the most reliable and fastest route to deliver gas to the European Union.

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