Palestinian PM calls for int'l efforts to stop Israeli violations in West Bank

Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammed Ishtaye

RAMALLAH, Aug. 29 (Xinhua) -- Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammed Ishtaye on Monday called on the international community to take necessary measures to stop Israeli violations against the Palestinians in the West Bank.

Ishtaye made the appeal during the weekly meeting of the Palestinian Authority cabinet held in the West Bank city of Ramallah in response to remarks of the far-right Israeli Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir, according to an official statement.

"The world did not need to hear Minister Ben Gvir's statement to be convinced and ascertained of the racist ideas that shape the thought and behavior of those who today assume the reins of power in the occupying state," he said.

Ben Gvir said Wednesday in an Israeli TV interview that the right of the Jews to travel on the West Bank's roads exceeds that of the Palestinian inhabitants, describing the Palestinians as "agitators."

Direct peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians stalled in late March 2014 following disputes over Israeli settlements and the recognition of a Palestinian state.

The Palestinians want to establish an independent Palestinian state on the territories occupied by Israel in 1967, including the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip, with East Jerusalem as its capital.