Israel’s economy is creaking under the effects of its assault on Gaza

by Aziz Mustafa

The consequences of Israel’s military assault against the Palestinians in Gaza are ongoing, dealing blows to the occupation state from every direction, the latest of which is at the economic level. Newspaper headlines report from time to time that yet another global ranking company has rated Israel as low. That is what international credit rating companies have done, while the regime in Tel Aviv fears that the ongoing assault on Gaza will contribute to the apparently endless wave of price increases in Israeli markets.

Pro-Palestine students shattered American taboo against criticizing Israel: Columbia University professor

22 May 2024; AA: Criticizing Israel is no longer a taboo in America, especially among young people, said a Greek poet and professor of comparative literature at New York’s Columbia University who has witnessed the student mobilization firsthand.

‘The political-media-industrial complex’ undermining truth and democracy in service of Israel

by Nasim Ahmed

In the relentless propaganda war waged against Palestinians, the scales have been heavily tipped in favour of Israel. Disinformation and half-truths are routinely employed to depict Palestinians as aggressors, terrorists or simply as non-existent entities within their own homeland.

Israeli attack on Iranian embassy may escalate regional tensions

by Hummam Sheikh Ali

DAMASCUS, April 1 (Xinhua) -- Israel on Monday afternoon launched a missile attack on the consulate building of the Iranian embassy in Damascus, killing at least seven officers.

Following the Israeli missile strike, Iranian Ambassador to Syria Hossein Akbari vowed that Iran would respond to Israel's attack with equal force.

He said that Israel's F-35 fighter jets had launched six missiles from the occupied Golan Heights in a "criminal," targeted offense on the Iranian consulate's building.

Rafah is Netanyahu’s last fig leaf

by Jamal Kanj

Rafah is not a military base, nor does it have any geopolitical significance. It is, however, Netanyahu’s last chance for political survival and exoneration from criminal charges. Rafah’s only symbolic importance is being a potential gateway to forcibly exile Palestinians from Gaza. Thus, Netanyahu’s vision of “total victory” entails the complete occupation and then the systemic ethnic cleansing of as many Palestinians as possible through the only international crossing connecting Gaza with an Arab country.

Young US evangelicals are refusing to be ‘useful idiots’ for Israel

by Omar Ahmed

“The Zionist establishment has realised the value of Christian Zionism, despite the essential anti-Semitism of its ideology. To Jewish Zionists, the Christian Zionists are useful idiots. For end-timer Christian Zionists, the Jews are sacrificial lambs.” — Author and lecturer Irving Wesley Hall

Will Joe Biden hear this US airman’s harrowing cry of ‘Free Palestine’?

by Yvonne Ridley

“Free Palestine” is an enduring phrase that will come to define the street chants of millions of angry citizens who’ve marched and protested in capital cities around the world against Israel’s brutal, genocidal onslaught in Gaza.

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