Dead history sheeters under police watch

KANPUR:  Upon the order of the SSP, a record verification of the history-sheeters at city’s various police stations was conducted. As many as 30 history-sheeters are dead while there names still exist in the list for police observation. The senior police officer was irked with this negligence and ordered the elimination of their records, including the closure of the records of three aged history-sheeters.

A thorough investigation revealed that the paperwork continued despite the demise of 30 history-sheeters.

Usually, the police stations maintain history sheets in three categories. Their identity used to be looking for during either elections or any untoward incident.

History sheet is a police term for a criminal with a long history of serious crimes. The criminals indulging in unlawful activities or involved in group crimes or charged in different cases need police verification within a fortnight. The police confirm their residential stay, contacts and activities.

Police station wise number of history-sheeters are as such: 16 history-sheeters in Sajeti & Chaubeypur police stations separately, 6 in Pheelkhana and Kakvan police stations separately, five in Harbans Mohal, Rail Bazaar, Collectorganj, Nau Basta respectively were found to be dead.

At the same time, two history-sheeters in Kakvan and one history sheeter in Chakeri police stations remained under police observance after completion of the stipulated period.