China calls for lifting sanctions on Iran to fight corona

17 Mar 2020; MEMO: China has called for the immediate lifting of sanctions imposed on Iran amidst its fight against the novel coronavirus, Xinhua reported yesterday.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang accused the US government of continuing to thwart Iran’s efforts to counter the pandemic, with sanctions having caused about $200 billion in direct damages to Iran’s economy in less than two years.

The Iranian government and people are facing a critical moment to fight against the novel coronavirus, Shuang explained, stressing that the sanctions have caused the situation to deteriorate and go against the humanitarian spirit.

The restrictions could seriously affect Iran’s fight against the pandemic and humanitarian assistance provided by the UN and other international organisations, Xinhua reported the official spokesperson as saying.

He also said that his country would continue to provide assistance within its capabilities and in accordance with Iran’s needs, and hopes the international community will strengthen cooperation with Iran and jointly safeguard global and regional public health security.

Meanwhile, the Iranian news agency IRNA reported senior aide of the Iranian President Hassan Rouhani saying that the US sanctions represent “hostile and inhumane behaviour”.