Medical Workers Return Home After Finishing Their Task In Hubei

 Medical Workers Return Home

HUBEI, Mar 24 (NNN-XINHUA) – Vice-Premier, Sun Chunlan, asked for the orderly, safe and smooth withdrawal of the medical staff supporting virus-hit Hubei province.

Leading a central government group, to guide the epidemic control work in Hubei, Sun, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, made the remarks while seeing off the medics departing Hubei, at a former temporary hospital in Wuhan, capital city of the province.

On behalf of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, Sun expressed gratitude to the medical staff for their tremendous efforts to curb the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

Sun urged the medical workers to take good care of themselves and carry forward their fine conduct to ensure the well-being of the public after returning.

The medical staff had worked tirelessly on the front line against the epidemic, despite danger and hardship when the country was in urgent need of their efforts, showing the noble spirit of benevolence, Sun said, adding that they had made great contributions to containing COVID-19 in Hubei and Wuhan.

She lauded the medical personnel as “the most admirable people in the new era” who deserved the highest commendations.

Medical teams with treatment missions will not return for the time being, Sun stressed, and the medical teams targeting severely ill patients shall not withdraw until finishing their duties.

Sun also required local governments to properly arrange rest and physical examinations for the medical workers after returning.

Over 42,000 medical workers from across the country were dispatched to aid Hubei in fighting the epidemic since the virus outbreak.