UAE sends seven tonnes of medical aid to India to fight COVID-19

 UAE Aid to India

Dubai; 03 May 2020 (UMM):  The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has provided medical aid to India to boost the country's efforts to curb the spread of COVID-19. A plane carrying seven tonnes of medical supplies from UAE landed in India on Saturday.

The aid will assist some 7,000 medical professionals as they work to fight the infection.

“UAE assistance to India comes in recognition of the profound and brotherly ties our two countries have shared throughout the years," said Dr Ahmed Abdul Rahman Albanna, UAE Ambassador to India.

"Combating COVID-19 has become a primary global concern, and we act out of our conviction that strengthening the efforts of other countries to contain the virus is a pressing necessity," added Mr Albanna.

According to NDTV, the UAE has so far provided more than 348 metric tonnes of aid to over 34 countries, supporting nearly 348,000 medical professionals in the process.