Turkey-Senegal education, sports deals take effect

03 Dec 2020; AA:  Agreements in the fields of education and sports signed between Turkey and Senegal took effect after being published in Turkey's Official Gazette on Thursday.

The accords were signed on Jan. 28, are valid for five years and aim to further strengthen bilateral relations.

In education, Turkey and Senegal agreed to "expansion of cooperation and exchanges."

The two countries will "exchange information and scientific publications in formal and non-formal education, exchange experts, teachers and students," share "experiences within the framework of vocational and technical education," as well as exchange "experiences regarding new technologies applied in education."

They will also establish and develop "school twining and partnerships for joint programs and student activities between schools."

Senegalese "shall promote the teaching and learning of Turkish as a foreign language," said the agreement.

Both the countries will "reciprocally grant scholarships for language courses, higher education and research."

In sports, the nations agreed to "exchange experts and experiences in the areas of organization of sports competitions, sponsorships, sports medicine and anti-doping."

"Mutual visits of sports delegations, trainers and experts in the areas of sports and physical education" will also be undertaken as part of the pact.

While exchange programs will be organized for young athletes, Turkey and Senegal will also "mutually invite athletes and disabled athletes to participate in the competitions and international sports events held in both countries."