Tehran, New Delhi ignore sanctions, express will to continue well-trodden path

New Delhi, Jan 12, IRNA – The visit of the Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad-Javad Zarif India as a country he described as 'not just a trade partner', was an overt sign of Iran's success in opening new paths to breeze through the economic bottlenecks by only relying on its own unique potential and position in the region.

Indian Minister of State for External Affairs Vijay Kumar Singh, too referred to Iran as 'not just a trade partner for India' but 'a close neighbor', remarks which signifies the fact that no external factor can influence the immense and deeply-rooted ties between the two countries that have been formed centuries ago and survived to the present time.

Zarif arrived in New Delhi on Monday and returned to Tehran on Thursday morning. Both sides said that the visit was successful and they were pleased with the achievements of the visit.

'Departing New Delhi after a productive 3-day visit with many business leaders. Good meeting with SushmaSwaraj & other leaders. Relations expanding in the interest of both our peoples,' Zarif tweeted on Wednesday.

The main purpose of the visit was to attend and make a speech in the Raisina Dialogue, a multilateral annual conference held in New Delhi. The conference deals with most prevalent international challenges.

In his speech there, Zarif criticized the US President Donald Trump to use economic power to establish illegal methods, which weakens the United Nations Security Council.

He added that Iran is a small part of the Indian economy, noting that Iran provides one-third of the Urea fertilizer India needs. 'With sanctions on Iran, the Indian farmers will have to pay 38% more,' he said.

He added that the region needs to become strong rather than be under strong men's dominance.

The most important message of Zarif's visit to India was that Iran will not keep waiting for Europe and instead continue to provide for its needs and secure its interests by working with its traditional partners.

Zarif said that Iran will continue to cooperate with Europe over the Special-Vehicle Purpose (SPV) but won't wait for it forever and will continue with its traditional partners like India, China and Russia.

'Iran is the most reliable partner,' he said, saying that opportunities are broad. “We rely on our people to provide security and gain scientific development.”

Zarif continued, 'It does not mean isolation. We are ready to interact with the East and other parties. It can help you choose a partner who exerts pressure for political reasons.'

Among the outcomes of the Iran foreign minister visit were that India allowed Iranian Pasargad bank to open a bank in Mumbai and that Indian Bharat Oil Company resumed oil purchase from Iran. The oil company had stopped to buy Iranian oil three month ago.

Simultaneous with Zarif's visit to New Delhi, India officially started its trade in Chabahar, a port in southeastern Iran, with sending a shipment to Cyprus. Chabahar is the closest port that connects the Central Asian countries to open waters.

Also, Indian UCO bank has announced that it's going to repay India's oil debts to Iran in rupees.

During the visit, Zarif said that Iran is ready to use its leverage in Afghanistan in India's interests.

Analysts reckon that the 21st century is the century of Asia: China and India will be the economic superpowers. Relying on its huge population and wise management, India will be an immense power in economy and politics, after China. India, which says it has no money to spend on the large youth population, has taken up the path of technology and small entrepreneurship, which have effectively worked.

After the US quit the internationally-accepted and UNSC-approved Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, aka Iran Deal, India didn’t sacrifice its regional role and its character as an undisputable global power o what the US wanted and kept and even expanded its economic ties with Iran.

According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), with an economic growth above 7%, India will be one of the most important economies in the world. Ranil Salgado, the head of the IMF team for India, has predicted that the large economic growth of India will go on for decades.

Some analysts believe that the Indian government's countering the US anti-Iran policies shows that the country has realized the depth of the negative role of the US plans in the region.

They also believe that the expansion of economic and political ties between Iran and India aims at countering the US pressures on Iran.