Turkey foreign minister to visit Saudi for first time since 2017

 Mevlut Cavusoglu

07 May 2021; MEMO: Turkey's Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu is expected to visit Saudi Arabia for talks next week, as the two regional powers ramp up efforts to mend ties that have become strained, not least due to the 2018 killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul, Reuters has reported. It will be the first such visit since 2017.

"The minister's planned trip will follow Turkey's talks this week with Egypt, another US-allied regional power, also aimed at normalising ties after years of tensions and rivalry," the agency added.

Last week, it was reported that the Saudi authorities had ordered the closure of eight Turkish schools in the Kingdom. Nevertheless, Ankara is trying to repair its relations with Riyadh as part of its aim to reconcile with countries in the region with which it has had difficulties over the past few years. Cavusoglu's visit will be another step in that direction.

Yesterday, Turkish officials also visited Egypt for the first time in eight years as part of the efforts being made by both countries to restore diplomatic relations. Ties between Cairo and Ankara have been strained since the 2013 coup against the then President Mohamed Morsi, which Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan opposed.