Iran, France discuss reviving nuclear deal

Ebrahim Raisi

10 Aug 2021; MEMO: Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi yesterday discussed with his French counterpart reviving the nuclear deal with the US and other world powers, AP and other news agencies reported.

According to IRNA news agency, Raisi told Emmanuel Macron that the US and European Union must implement their commitments under the landmark 2015 deal.

"In any negotiation, the rights of the Iranian nation should be secured and guaranteed," Raisi stressed.

Raisi criticised the US for abandoning the accord and reimposing crushing sanctions on the Islamic republic under former President Donald Trump, AP said.

Macron, for his part, called on Iran to "quickly resume negotiations in Vienna in order to get to a conclusion and put an end without delay to all the nuclear activities it is carrying out in breach of the agreement."