UN, Palestine team remove unexploded Israel bomb from Gaza building

Unexploded Israeli missile

27 Aug 2021; MEMO: The United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) yesterday extracted an American-made Israeli missile that was dropped on a five-storey apartment building during the occupation state's latest war on Gaza in May. The ordnance had not exploded.

The GBU-39 type missile is often used by the occupation army to destroy Palestinian buildings.

It took the UNMAS team and explosives engineers from the Palestinian police force 14 days to retrieve the missile, which penetrated five floors and landed in the foundations of the building.

The Palestinian teams have been working for three months to remove hundreds of unexploded Israeli bombs. Occupation forces had also targeted the team's headquarters in Gaza.

Israel's 11-day air strikes campaign against Gaza in May led to the death of 254 people, including 66 children. It has been called the war on high rises as they were the occupation's main target. As a result thousands of families were left homeless.