US: Best way to deal with Iran is diplomatically not militarily

Joe Biden

06 Oct 2021; MEMO: US President Joe Biden's administration prefers diplomatic rather than military efforts to revive the Iranian nuclear deal, news agencies reported.

During a meeting with his Israeli counterpart, Eyal Hulata, United States National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said: "This administration believes diplomacy is the best path to achieve that goal, while also noting that the president has made clear that if diplomacy fails, the United States is prepared to turn to other options."

Sullivan did not mention what the other options may be.

Washington says that the new government in Iran has projected interest, through intermediaries, in returning to negotiations that took place in Vienna aimed at reviving the deal but have remained idle since June, Israeli media said.

"We still believe very strongly that the diplomatic path remains the best path for resolving this issue," a senior US official told reporters during a Monday briefing. "Since we came in, we have not lifted any sanctions, we are not going to pay upfront, and we've made that very clear."

Meanwhile, a White House readout said Sullivan emphasised, during his meeting with Hulata, Biden's "fundamental commitment to Israel's security and to ensuring that Iran never gets a nuclear weapon."