Arab, European leaders urge for joint efforts to face common challenges

LAS-EU Summit

SHARM EL-SHEIKH, Egypt, Feb. 24 (Xinhua) -- Arab and European leaders stressed on Sunday the need to beef up efforts to face common challenges.

This came during the first League of Arab States (LAS)-European Union (EU) Summit which kicked off Sunday in Egypt's Sharm el-Sheikh city and will end on Monday.

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the two-day summit, Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi said that terrorism is spreading like a "plague," urging leaders to stand together against it.

"Today we need to confirm our unity and our cooperation to confront this danger and to stand together against this plague that cannot be justified," he said.

Speaking about the issue of illegal immigration from Arab countries to Europe, Sisi said this issue should be addressed through cooperation.

Both regions can cooperate in order to guarantee a safe and organized migration that would realize different common interests, the Egyptian president explained.

On the Palestinian issue, Sisi said it is the first Arab cause and one of the main roots of the conflicts in the region.

"It represents the continued denial of the legitimate rights of the Palestinians and the continuing destruction of Palestinian human rights," he noted.

The current situation is fuelled by the absence of a genuine political desire to reach a comprehensive and just settlement, Sisi stressed.

Meanwhile, European Council President Donald Tusk said Arab and European leaders are required to face their common challenges together and seize the real opportunities that geography, common history and similar interests have created.

In a time of growing tension and unpredictability, Tusk said, Arab and European leaders need to work together to create long-term stability, and to guarantee citizens the peace and prosperity they deserve.

Tusk added that leaders from the two sides can cooperate in funding education, reducing employment, encouraging investment and boosting trade.

For his part, Romania's President Klaus Iohannis said cooperation between the EU and the LAS is vital in the fight against terrorism, underscoring his country's opposition to all forms of terrorism and violent extremism.

"The key elements in this regard are the development of resilience and increased cooperation," he stressed.

The Romanian president said that the region over the last few years has seen a number of crises, which, despite the efforts of local actors and the international community, continue to affect everyone's security.

"Any solution to such crises should take into account the standpoints, opinions and sensitivities of the states in the region, starting with the most affected ones," Iohannis stated, reiterating Romania's main point of view that these crises can only be solved peacefully, through open dialogue.

"I fully support a pragmatic, realistic and ever closer cooperation between the European Union and the League of Arab States, as the only way to produce concrete results," he added.

The president stressed the need to build a strong partnership in order to find common solutions to the current problems, including migration, radicalization and terrorism, but also in order to tackle medium and long-term challenges, such as climate change, sustainable development and job creation.

Iohannis also said that integration should also focus on promoting and facilitating the free exchange of goods and services, as well as investments.

"Trade and investments contribute to sustainable development, poverty reduction and job creation. Moreover, it ensures that our countries and regions are open to each other more than any other political approach," he said.

More than 50 European and Arab countries participated in the LAS-EU Summit, which was co-chaired by Sisi and Tusk.

Leaders from both sides will seek to strengthen ties and address a wide range of issues and common challenges, such as multilateralism, trade, investment, migration, security and regional situation.

The summit will also provide an opportunity for leaders to discuss the latest developments in the region, such as the Middle East peace process and the situation in Yemen, Libya and Syria.