PA to investigate hosting extremist Israel Jewish rabbi in West Bank

 rabbi Yehuda Glick

03 March 2022; MEMO: Palestinian Authority (PA) yesterday ordered the closure of Beit Al Liqa, a Christian association in Bethlehem for a week, while it probes its decision to host extremist Israeli Jewish rabbi Yehuda Glick, Anadolu reported.

Glick, a former member of Israel's Knesset, is one of the most notorious extremist Israeli Jewish rabbis, and is known for his repeated provocative desecration of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Palestinians expressed their fury on social media after seeing him in pictures at the Christian association.

The official presidential committee for the affairs of churches also condemned Glick's attendance, stating that "this incident came amidst increasing violations against Christian and Islamic places of worship in Jerusalem practiced by the occupation."

In a statement, the committee distanced itself from the event and said that the host group does not represent Palestinians, stressing that it is to take the needed legal measures against the association in coordination with the security agencies.

Meanwhile, the association claimed that it did not invite Glick, who joined the event without notice and without introducing himself.

"We were surprised when we saw him showing off in pictures taken with the guests," the association said.

"It became clear for us that this guy has exploited his visit to the association for doubtful aims," the association said, stressing its rejection of this.