Brenton Tarrant's mother wants death penalty for her son

 Brenton Tarrant mother

Sunday Night True story interviewed Brenton Tarrant's mother. Interviewer showed her the video clip of her son shooting worshippers and asked, “What did you hope what happen to him?”

“I know what he deserves… he deserves a death penalty” said the mother. “It hurts me to say that because he is a family… but for someone who has taken so many lives of other people, its only fair that he deserves the same thing” she added.

She couldn’t watch the whole video saying “I don’t think I can watch any more”.

Brenton Tarrant, an Australian whitist terrorist, attacked two mosques in Christchurch, New Zeland, and killed 50 worshippers. Sever others were wounded with some in critical condition.

Watch the interview here: