Senior Hamas Delegation To Visit Syria For First Time In 10 Years

Hazem Qassem

GAZA, Oct 19 (NNN-WAFA) – The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), yesterday announced that, a senior Hamas delegation would visit Syria today, for the first time in 10 years.

Hamas spokesman in Gaza, Hazem Qassem, said that, the delegation would be headed by Khalil Al-Hayya, the movement’s leader, in charge of the Hamas bureau of Arab and Islamic Relations.

“Hamas movement’s delegation will visit Damascus, as part of a broader delegation that includes several Palestinian factions,” said Qassem, who declined to say if Hamas leaders will hold talks or meetings with Syrian officials.

On Sept 15, Hamas announced that, it would continue to build and develop solid relations with Syria, “to serve the Palestinian people and their just causes.”

The Hamas leadership had taken Damascus as its headquarters since 1999. In 2012, following the outbreak of the Syrian crisis, the movement left Syria and is currently settled in Qatar and Turkiye, causing a rupture with the Syrian leadership.

In June, a Hamas source revealed that, significant progress had been made, to restore the relationship between the movement and Syria, following efforts by the Lebanese Hezbollah leadership, to bring the two sides together.