Palestine: Hamas slams Israel's ban on Gaza Christians visiting Jerusalem on Easter

church in Jerusalem

13 Apr 2023; MEMO: Hamas yesterday condemned the Israeli ban on Christians from the besieged Gaza Strip travelling to Jerusalem for Easter.

"Hamas condemns in the strongest possible terms the Israeli occupation's decision to ban Gaza's Palestinian Christians from accessing Christian holy sites in occupied Jerusalem to celebrate the Easter holiday," Hamas said in a statement.

"This move is part of the Israeli occupation's policy of racial discrimination and restrictions on the freedom of Palestinian Christian to access their holy sites," Hamas said.

It stressed: "This ban amounts to a blatant violation of the very basics of the principles of the international humanitarian law, including the denial of the freedom of movement and worship."

"In light of such a fascist move, which has become a regular Israeli practice, Hamas urges the international community to assume their legal and moral responsibilities towards ensuring Palestinians can freely access their holy sites."

It also called for the whole world to condemn "Israeli crimes and violations, and hold Israeli leaders accountable for their crimes against the Palestinians."