USA: UN General Assembly declares Nov. 26 as World Sustainable Transport Day

UN General Assembly

UNITED NATIONS, May 16 (Xinhua) -- The UN General Assembly adopted a resolution on Tuesday to designate Nov. 26 every year as World Sustainable Transport Day.

The resolution invites all UN member states, organizations of the UN system, international and regional organizations and civil society to mark World Sustainable Transport Day by means of education and the holding of events aimed at enhancing the knowledge of the public on sustainable transport issues, in particular enhancing intermodal transport connectivity, promoting environmentally friendly transportation, developing socially inclusive transport infrastructure and other aspects of transport sustainability.

It invites the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, in collaboration with the UN regional economic commissions, to facilitate the observance of World Sustainable Transport Day.

It requests the president of the General Assembly to consider convening a half-day high-level meeting in New York during the next session of the General Assembly to promote sustainable transport cooperation.

The resolution emphasizes the contribution of sustainable, low-emission and energy-efficient modes of transport to climate change mitigation and adaptation and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, as well as the importance of long-term strategies and multi-stakeholder partnerships in delivering such sustainable modes of transport.