With unrest across the US, asks the Twittersphere, where is the ‘Free American Army’?

by Omar Ahmed

The scenario is all too familiar: the almost casual murder in Minneapolis of an unarmed African American citizen — say his name: George Floyd —by police officers has sparked a wave of social unrest and protests across the country. Since Floyd’s killing on 25 May, we have seen what are arguably the worst “race riots” in a generation, following Los Angeles in 1992 and Detroit in 1967, for example.

Kidnapping family members is Bin Salman's tactic to intimidate Saudi dissidents

by Yvonne Ridley

Details are emerging about the kidnapping of two young people within Saudi Arabia which appears to be the latest desperate move by Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman to exert pressure on one of the Kingdom’s highest profile dissidents.

India: When 'home' is under a flyover and life's belongings fit on a cycle

By Arun Sharma and Vinod Tripathi

New Delhi, May 23 (PTI) They walked, the parents, wife and children a cluster on the move while he wheeled a cycle with jerry cans and bundles loaded on and his 12-year-old differently abled daughter cradled in a cloth sack tied to the side.

Earlier this week, as the lockdown was extended for the fourth time, Mukesh Kumar decided Delhi was no longer the place for him or his family and they would head to their village in Unnao, Uttar Pradesh, even if it meant walking every step of the 500 km distance.

Israeli experts applaud BRI's role in global cooperation amid COVID-19

by Keren Setton, Chen Wenxian

JERUSALEM, May 17 (Xinhua) -- Israeli experts have applauded the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) for its role in pushing forward world economic development amid challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

As the world economy is gradually recovering after weeks of lockdown due to COVID-19, the BRI has also regained its vitality in economic cooperation between China and its BRI partners.

Defining Indian ‘Bhukt’

Based on Ninad Vengurlekar’s definition of ‘bhukts’

Bhakt means a devout believer in something who supports it very strongly and enthusiastically. The term is generally meant to be used in spiritual sense.

But recent use of this term has evolved to denote those Indians who support the current leadership of the ruling party in India, blindly and vehemently, without any objective appraisal of it performance.

America and Iran are indicating that they don’t want further escalation

by Oraib Al-Rantawi

This article may seem like a total prediction, or perhaps an attempt to read some significant meanings into small events. It is, however, worth taking the risk of analysing what’s going on between the US and Iran, and making room for speculation and expectation.

Libya’s Don Quixote Haftar

by Dr Amira Abo el-Fetouh

11 May 2020; MEMO: Almost a year ago, when the coup leader Khalifa Haftar attacked the Libyan capital Tripoli with his mercenary militias, I wrote an article in which I said, “The battle of Tripoli is a decisive battle between the forces of the revolution and the counter-revolution forces; it separates truth from falsehood.

Um Haroon and the politics of normalisation in the Gulf

by Zarqa Parvez

MBC’s Ramadan drama series Um Haroon has sparked controversy and debate about the presence of Jews in the Gulf region and their relationship with local Muslim communities. In itself, it is the beginning of normalisation of regional relations with Israel; the first stage of a new regional order.

How India’s Government Set Off A Spiral Of Islamophobia


New Delhi: In Defence Colony—a lush, tony locality primarily built for retired defence personnel in the heart of prosperous South Delhi—a Muslim security guard was blamed when his employers, three of a family, tested positive for the Novel Coronavirus in the first week of April.

The transformation of Indian media - from fourth pillar to a government’s propaganda tool

By Seema Khan

In last few years India has seen a drastic growth in the number of news channels. There are about four hundred of them. Network 18, one of the largest networks with 56 is news channels, is owned by business Tycoon Mukesh Ambani, a blue-eyed boy of the present government.

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