
Syrian state media: Israel fires missiles at western city: Lebanon

BEIRUT (AP) — Israeli missiles targeted a western Syrian city on Sunday wounding three Syrian soldiers, Syrian state media reported.

The official news agency SANA, citing a military source, said the missiles were fired at Masyaf in Hama province at dawn. Syria’s air defenses shot several of them down.

Syrian state media did not report any deaths.

Feature: Residents In Northern Lebanon Fear Homes Collapse After Massive Earthquake

BEIRUT, Mar 5 (NNN-XINHUA) – In the past weeks, since the massive earthquake hit Türkiye and Syria on Feb 6, Ebtisam Antar, a mother of two in Lebanon’s neighbouring Syria, goes to bed every night with intense fear that the roof of her 50-year-old house may fall over her head.

She told Xinhua that the quake on Feb 6, caused cracks in the wall of her balcony before another one two days later led to more fissures in her daughter’s bedroom.

Palestinian Embassy In Lebanon Denies Report On Recruiting Refugees To Fight In Ukraine

BEIRUT, Mar 2 (NNN-NNA) – The Palestinian embassy in Beirut, yesterday denied an Israeli press report, claiming that, it is recruiting Palestinian refugees in Lebanon to fight in Ukraine.

“The embassy is keen to strongly deny this insidious news, which is not surprising, as the source is one of the usurping entity’s media channels,” the embassy was quoted as saying.

The Israeli newspaper, Jerusalem Post, reported that Palestinian refugees in Lebanon are being recruited to fight in Ukraine, by activists linked to the Palestinian Embassy in Lebanon, said the report.

Lebanon: Top Arab lawmakers in Syria for talks with President Assad

BEIRUT (AP) — Senior Arab lawmakers were in Syria on Sunday for talks with President Bashar Assad on bringing his country back into the fold of the Arab world. The visit follows a mini-summit in Baghdad that affirmed the Arab League’s intentions of having Syria return to the organization despite the country’s devastating civil war.

Lawmakers from nine Arab countries, as well as Palestinian representatives, made up the delegation — reflecting a continuation in the thawing of relations with Assad, who for over a decade has been isolated from most of the region.

Lebanon: Egypt speaker, Arab lawmakers visit Syrian President Assad

BEIRUT (AP) — Egypt’s parliament speaker headed a Mideast delegation Sunday on a visit to Syria for talks with President Bashar Assad. The trip follows a mini-summit in Baghdad that affirmed the Arab League’s intentions of bringing Syria back into the region’s fold despite the country’s devastating civil war.

Lebanon Parliament Speaker calls to end Israeli massacres against Palestinians

23 Feb 2023; MEMO: Lebanese Parliament Speaker, Nabih Berri, called Thursday for a "serious, historic pause to stop the massacre" of the Palestinian people, Anadolu News Agency reported.

This came in a statement published on the Lebanese Parliament website, commenting on the Israeli military operation that killed eleven Palestinians in the city of Nablus in the northern Occupied West Bank on Wednesday.

Lebanon: IS attacks on Syria truffle hunters are deadliest in a year

BEIRUT (AP) — The Islamic State group has carried out its deadliest attacks in more than a year, killing dozens of civilians and security officers in the deserts of central Syria, even as people of northern Syria have been digging out of the wreckage from the region’s devastating earthquake.

The bloodshed was a reminder of the persistent threat from IS, whose sleeper cells still terrorize populations nearly four years after the group was defeated in Syria.

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