Youth jumps to death after tiff with wife

Kanpur: One youth committed suicide by jumping from the fourth floor of a house in Chakeri area here on Monday night. He was disturbed and restless following his altercation with the wife on some matter in the evening of Monday. 

His jump brought loud voice so the neighbors rushed to save him. They even took him to the hospital but the doctors declared him brought dead. 

According to the police, Santosh Nishad (36) r/o Safipur First was employed at a factory. His altercation with the wife Anita led her to go to her parents' house in Chhabiley Purwa.

On the late Monday night he went up the building' s fourth floor and jumped down. This caused his death on the spot. 

Police made enquires from neighbors and relatives. R Rai, incharge, Chakeri PS said the youth committed suicide after tiff with his wife on some matter.