Trump says will meet Xi and Putin in June

Donald Trump

Washington, May 14 (PTI) US President Donald Trump on Monday said he will meet his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping and Russian leader Vladimir Putin in June on the sidelines of the G-20 Summit in Japan.

This would also be the first opportunity for a meeting between the Indian prime minister and Trump after the election results are declared in India on May 23. However, Trump, during his interaction with the media at his Oval Office, made no mention of any meeting other than that with Xi and Putin on the sidelines of the G-20 Summit.

Like the Trump-Xi summit on the sidelines of the G-20 Summit in Argentina last November, all eyes will again be on the two leaders in Japan because of the ongoing trade tension.

"We are going to be meeting, as you know, at the G20 in Japan. And that will be, I think, probably a very fruitful meeting," Trump told reporters.

"But we are taking in, right now, hundreds of billions of dollars. We are taking in billions of dollars of tariffs.... We have never taken in 10 cents until I got elected. Now we are taking in billions and billions.... In addition to that we have another USD 325 billion that we can do, if we decided to do it," he said.

"So we are taking it in tens of billions of dollars. We have never done that before with China. We have never done that before with anybody, frankly, because we have been taken advantage of all of our trade deals," Trump said in response to a question.