Hong Kong students vow to take to streets again if extradition bill is not withdrawn

Hong Kong's Chief Executive Carrie Lam

HONG KONG/June, 20./TASS/: Hong Kong students and youth organizations have vowed to take to the city streets again if Carrie Lam, the head of the local administration, does not promise to withdraw the controversial extradition bill instead of just suspending it, the Standard reported on Thursday.

The activists issued an ultimatum, which requires Carrie Lam to make an official statement today before 17:00 local time (12:00 Moscow time). Otherwise, the students promised to convene a new mass demonstration in front of the government building starting Friday.

Among other requirements is to drop charges against detained protesters, investigate abuse cases by the police, who on June 12 used rubber bullets and tear gas against protesters who tried to storm the building of the Legislative Council.

The Hong Kong Chief Executive made public apology for an extradition bill that sparked mass protests twice. Millions have taken to the streets against the proposals, which would allow extradition to mainland China.

Carrie Lam also announced the decision to remove the bill from current agenda for an indefinite period. Demonstrators, however, demand the initiative’s complete withdrawal.

Since June 9, mass protests broke out in Hong Kong against a proposed bill on extraditing criminal suspects to mainland China. The opponents of this initiative claim that this could result in handing political dissidents over to Beijing. The initial rally was peaceful and well-organized.. Last Sunday, the largest demonstration in history was held in the city, which gathered, according to the organizers, up to 2 million people.

At present, the situation in the city is calm. Since Tuesday, after almost a week break, the government complex resumed.