Pakistan spells out requirements for more effective UN peacekeeping

Maleeha Lodhi.

UNITED NATIONS, July 12 (APP): Pakistan has called for “proactive and robust” triangular cooperation among the UN Security Council, the troop contributing countries (TCCs) and the UN Secretariat for effective and result-oriented peacekeeping in trouble spots around the world, as a two-day Chiefs of Defence Conference opened on Thursday.

“Troop-contributing countries are the United Nations eyes and ears on the ground, Ambassador Maleeha Lodhi said, while participating in the Security Council’s debate on ‘Strengthening Triangular Cooperation”.

In her remarks, she emphasized the value of their (troop-contributing countries’) input for the work of the Secretariat and the Security Council, and assured of Pakistan’s continued support to U.N. peacekeeping operations.

To further improve those relationships, she cited a need to institutionalize triangular cooperation, especially against the backdrop of more volatile operating environments and a chorus of demands for doing more with less.

Peacekeeping missions do not need another layer of formal mechanisms, Ambassador Lodhi stressed, adding that formal meetings should be revitalized to maximize their benefits and ensure meaningful dialogue well ahead of mandate renewals.