Top democrat slams Trump’s ‘racist tweet’ about minority congresswomen

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi

NEW YORK, Jul 15 (APP): US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat, condemned President Donald Trump for telling a group of minority lawmakers to go back to where they came from, saying the “xenophobic” comments reaffirmed that Trump’s plan is about “making America white again.”

“When @realDonaldTrump tells four American Congresswomen to go back to their countries, he reaffirms his plan to ‘Make America Great Again’ has always been about making America white again,” Pelosi said on Twitter on Sunday.

“Our diversity is our strength and our unity is our power,” she added.

In a separate tweet, Pelosi also said that she rejected Trump’s “xenophobic comments meant to divide our nation.”

“Rather than attack Members of Congress, he should work with us for humane immigration policy that reflects American values,” she continued.

Her comments came just hours after Trump targeted the group of progressive lawmakers, telling them to “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came” from before speaking out about how the United States government should be run.