Pakistani envoy urges UN chief to push for India’s compliance with UNSC resolutions on Kashmir

Maleeha Lodhi with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres

UNITED NATIONS, Aug 08 (APP): Pakistani Ambassador Maleeha Lodhi Wednesday met a top aide of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and asked for the world body’s chief to play his due role in the crisis set off by India’s revocation of occupied Kashmir’s special status, as she continued to brief her counterparts on the deteriorating situation in the region, according to informed sources.

During her meeting with Chef de Cabinet Maria Louisa Ribeiro Viotti, the Pakistani envoy also asked for the UN chief, who is away from New York, to demand that India comply with UN Security Council resolutions on Jammu and Kashmir that prohibit any alteration in the status of the disputed state.

In a separate development, Guterres’ spokesman said that the UN was making contacts with the parties at “various levels’, but did not specify the level of those engagements.