Saddest forecasts becoming true in Libya - Russia’s acting UN envoy

Dmitry Polyansky

UN, August 11. /TASS/: The most dangerous scenario is implemented in Libya because of growing terrorist activity there, Russia’s acting Permanent Representative to the UN Dmitry Polyansky said at the extraordinary meeting of the UN Security Council on the situation in Libya.

Three UN staff members died and two more were injured as a result of the automobile explosion in Libya’s Benghazi.

"It is obvious that the most dangerous forecasts we talked about hold true," the diplomat said. "Terror groups are becoming active as a result of the civil strife. Their uptick in activity is also cause by penetration of jihadists from neighboring states into the country, including Syria," Polyansky said.

"This evidences relevance of our calls for the uncompromising struggle against this evil, with abandonment of the doubletalk policy," he added.

Currently, Libya has two supreme executive authorities, namely Tripoli’s Government of National Accord recognized by the international community and headed by Prime Minister Fayez al-Sarraj and the interim government headed by Prime Minister Abdullah al-Thani, which operates in the country’s east along with the elected parliament and is supported by the Libyan National Army. On April 4, Haftar announced the launch of an offensive in Tripoli to eliminate the terrorist groups that got hold there. In turn, Sarraj ordered all military units loyal to him to gear up to defend the capital, while the armed units in the capital launched operation dubbed "Volcano of Rage" to fight back.