Liaison office of China's central gov't in Hong Kong condemns radical, illegal atrocities


HONG KONG, Aug. 12 (Xinhua) -- A principal official of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) on Monday strongly condemned the radical violent acts of a small number of violent lawbreakers in Hong Kong.

The official called on the whole society to firmly support the HKSAR government and the Hong Kong police force in stopping violence, ending chaos and restoring order, as well as to jointly safeguard the rule of law and social security in Hong Kong.

Violent attacks were committed on Sunday in multiple locations in Hong Kong, and a small number of radical mobsters attacked police stations with highly lethal weapons including petrol bombs and large calibre shooting devices, the official noted.

No place in the world can tolerate such outrageous and extremist atrocities, said the official, adding that Hong Kong will slide into a bottomless abyss if the terror atrocities are allowed to continue.

The official expressed sympathy and solicitude for the injured police officers during the attacks, as well as admiration and respect for the dedication, professionalism and restraint the police force have shown when handling recent violence and their strict and resolute law-enforcing efforts.

The official also extended greetings to the families and friends of the police personnel for their support and endurance.

The most pressing desire of the Hong Kong residents currently is to stop violence, end chaos and restore stability and peace as soon as possible, the official stressed.

The whole society should firmly support the HKSAR government and police force in punishing violent criminals according to the law, as well as safeguard our shared home and the promising future of the "one country, two systems" in Hong Kong, the official said.